Ghee / Edible Oils

Amul Ghee

Ghee is very healthy for our Body. 1 spoon a day of Ghee keeps you fit

Fortune Oil

The Fortune brand, flagship brand of Adani Wilmar Ltd, is a decade-long national leader aspiring to be a global leader in cooking oil category. Quality, health and customer satisfaction are the foundations of our business, and form the core ingredients for all our innovations at Fortune.

Idhyam Oil

History records the cultivation of sesame as long ago as the Indus Valley Civilization. It was one of the first seeds which man used, and the chief oil crop of the time.

Sohna Mustard Oil

Sohna Mustard Oil in both Kachi and Pakki Ghani maintains the essentials of good taste to leave the lingering flavour of choices and its is really good for Heart. An established cooking medium.

Saffola Oil

Over the years, the brand Saffola has become renowned for its expertise in Heart Care, thanks to the consistent introduction of innovative product like heart healthy cooking oil and foods. Saffola’s products are the first in your line of defense against heart diseases, making your transition to a healthier lifestyle a lot easier.

Sundrop Heart

Sundrop is the largest brand in the premium segment of the refined oil consumer packs. Sundrop was launched in 1989 as sunflower oil, in a predominantly groundnut and mustard oil market. From being one of the first players in the sunflower market, to one of the largest selling refined edible oil brands, Sundrop has come a long way.

Verka Ghee

Verka products are very close to the hearts of all Punjabis but Canada being a Milk Surplus Nation, the import of Milk and its derivatives is not allowed into Canada freely.

Bunge Dalda (husband choice refined soybean oil) 1li

Soyabean oil is a popular choice because of its proven health benefits and is especially good for the heart. Rich in polyunsaturated fat, Soyabean oil has the ideal ratio of linoleic acid to linolenic acid as recommended by WHO. It is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are believed to help in brain development. The high polyunsaturated fatty acid level helps in reducing the risk of heart disease. Soyabean oil also contains phytosterols which could lower LDL cholesterol


Tez Mustard Oil

Golden Fry

Golden Fry is a palm oil that provides a reliable and low cost solution to those larger uses such as restaurants and large family units. Available in 2.25L bottles and 18L tin cans.